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English for Spesific Purposes

"This book is designed for teachers, trainers, course organizers who work in the field of English for specific purposes (ESP). It gives the relevant background to the ESP learners' world, and then presents strategies for teachers approaching the training tasks. In particular, the author presents an approach which focuses on the learners' professional knowledge and experience.
This book consists of 10 parts. Part 1 gives concept and scope of ESP, useful to people relatively new to the field. Part 2 focuses on analysis of learners' needs. Part 3 focuses on the analysis of language for ESP. Part 4 describes about syllabus and course design for ESP. Part 5 explains methodology for ESP. Part 6 examines materials for ESP. Part 7 discusses the methodology for ESP, and Part 8 presents the material for ESP course. Part 9 discusses evaluation and testing in ESP, and Part 10 presents the classroom management in ESP.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman XII+72
Penulis Dr. I Gede Budasi, M.Ed.
ISBN 978-602-262-537-7
Tahun Terbit 2015
Penerbit Graha Ilmu
Stok Buku 2 / 2
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